Einstellungen / Settings

The IRTlib Editor has a small number of settings.The language can be set to German or English.


The IRTlib software is currently still under development. Information about the current version (and for Preview versions about the build hash) can be found in the section About the Program.

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In this section, settings can be made that affect working with the IRTlib Editor and all studies.

Runtime Management

To configure studies that use CBA ItemBuilder content with the IRTLib Editor, the appropriate runtime environment (Runtime) is required for each version. Current tested versions of the CBA ItemBuilder runtime are already stored in the Editor, but runtimes for other versions of the CBA ItemBuilder or updated or corrected runtimes can also be imported into the Editor in this section.

Runtimes that are available in the Editor are automatically integrated as part of the study configuration when studies are published and are thus available to the IRTLib Player.

General Settings

Change the language for the editor in this section. The setting selected here has no influence on the language of the assessment content in the configured studies.

About the Programme

Under the Version info button, you will find a summary of the latest changes and information on the current programme version.


The IRTlib Software can be used with CBA ItemBuilder tasks of different CBA ItemBuilder versions. The required Runtime (i.e., the connection between the CBA ItemBuilder tasks and the IRTlib Software) is part of the study configuration so that the IRTlib Player knows for sure how to use CBA ItemBuilder tasks of a particular version.

Embedded Help


To configure Studies that use CBA ItemBuilder content with the IRTLib Editor, the appropriate runtime environment (Runtime) is required for each version. Current tested versions of the CBA ItemBuilder runtime are already stored in the IRTLib Editor, but runtimes for other versions of the CBA ItemBuilder or updated or corrected runtimes can also be imported into the IRTLib Editor in this section.

Check CBA ItemBuilder Version

It is important to know which version of the CBA ItemBuilder was used to create the items (i.e. the CBA ItemBuilder project files). If in doubt, this information can be found in the About dialogue of the CBA ItemBuilder, for example:

The version number must be listed as one of the cards in the Settings of the IRTlib Editor in the Runtimes section:

Import runtime files

If the corresponding runtime is not already included in the Editor, a new/additional runtime can be imported. Study configurations that are created/edited with the IRTlib Editor can contain several Runtimes for different versions.


Note: The Description field and the two additional Map files (for JavaScript Source and for CSS Source) are optional.

After the import, the supported CBA ItemBuilder versions are listed in the Runtime section. To delete a Runtime for a specific version, click on the Trash icon at the bottom right of the “Map” and confirm with Delete.