IRTlib is a software for the delivery of computer-based tests. The software consists of two components:

Instructions for installing and setting up both programmes for initial use can be found under Download & Installation.

Before using the IRTlib Software to configure and create deliveries, the assessment content (tasks, instructions, intermediate screens, etc.) must be created in the form of individual Tasks using the CBA ItemBuilder.

Suggested Citation:

Kroehne, U. (2023). Open Computer-based Assessment with the CBA ItemBuilder. DIPF, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

CBA ItemBuilder Documentation (PDF)

CBA ItemBuilder Documentation (PDF)

For the use of the IRTlib software, a context-sensitive program help is stored directly in the application. The documentation with the embedded help is available online on this page and is also available as PDF.

Suggested Citation:

Kroehne, U. (2023). IRTlib Documentation: Software for the administration and delivery of computer-based assessments [IRTlib Dokumentation: Software für die Verwaltung und Auslieferung computergestützter Assessments]. DIPF, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

IRTlib Software Documentation (PDF)

IRTlib Software Documentation (PDF)

The development of the CBA ItemBuilder and the IRTlib Software is coordinated by the Centre for Technology-Based Assessment (TBA) at the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education.